Vitaliy Irtlach

Fullstack Software Engineer

My name is Vitaly Irtlach, and I was born on September 13, 2005 in the city of Dnipro, Ukraine. I am a software developer with experience in startups and commercial platforms.

In 2023, I started studying at the Oles Honchar Dnipro National University, majoring in computer engineering.

I am currently working as a Fullstack JavaScript developer. My responsibilities include software development, outsourcing, interviewing job candidates, interviewing software customers, managing technical aspects of projects, mentoring and many other tasks.

As part of this experience, I participated in the development of various projects, such as a service for investors, a site for finding and managing metalworking enterprises, a service for algotrading and many others. It was an intensive experience that helped me develop my skills and solve challenging tasks.

In my free time, I enjoy sports, especially fitness, and learning new technologies. I like to keep my finger on the pulse of innovation and always try to stay on top of the latest technology trends.